Thursday, November 14, 2013


I've found that whenever I want to accomplish something, I'm 200x more likely to do it if I say I'm going to blog about it.
Unfortunately, the visions I had of myself daintily flouncing around my flat cooking up delicious meals for me and my flatmates have cleared to reveal the abysmal reality. For breakfast I usually eat Nutella with a fork in my towel after I shower, and before leaving for class, I eat a quick bowl of cereal for lunch. On a """"healthy"""" day I'll come back and make some kind of pasta for dinner, but more likely I'll order delivery with bad influences of flatmates and eat chips and Strongbow until I am physically ill.

But no more! So many stressful things are piling up this week and in order to avoid some kind of Cameron Frye freak out I made a list and have been steadily crossing things off. First things first: actual food.

We discovered this place on our way to our first hike, and instantly became pretty obsessed. I've gotten some stuff from here before, but more recently I've just been getting a little loaf of their homemade whole meal bread for only about a pound. (Pro tip: toast a slice and slather it in Nutella)

I always get poked fun at when I bring home food from M&S but WHATEVER. Something about being in there surrounded by their new Christmas stock and posh, actual adults buying food for their families inspires me to make better food choices and makes the slight expense worth it (it helps that I'm not actually paying for it) (xoxo mom and dad) (i'm the worst).

Anyways, with that out of the way I have a project and two essays to write hahahahahahahahahahaha just know I'll be eating some of this and this real soon.

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