Friday, May 23, 2014


I feel like I've been all over the place these past few months and that's because I HAVE. This blog is winding down, and with that I'm scrambling to put together my last few posts. Luckily, this is the last of the travel spots that has been hanging over my head, and now feels like it was ages ago, considering this happened before my jaunt around Scotland.

We spent a week in Paris in a lovely, tiny flat in Menilmontant. We used Velib to bike around the city, and managed to cover quite a lot of territory. We went to almost all the major museums, ate some delicious food, had some great wine, and entirely too much cheese. The sun came out and warmed us as we read by the Seine and drank wine in the parks (do I sound #abroad enough for you?).

Sunday, May 18, 2014


Been really falling behind with all this traveling that I've been doing. Here's what I've been up to these past two weeks. I'll get my last few posts up soon!